Literacy and Numeracy Support Services

at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
Published January 18, 2025
Location Hamilton, New Zealand
Category Customer Service  
Job Type Full-time  
$31.9 - $38.44


Literacy and Numeracy Support Services Te Wānanga o Aotearoa location Waikato. $31.9 - $38.44.

About the role te Ara Hihiri is a programme designed to support the development of literacy and numeracy skills for people in prison in Aotearoa. Classes are small, capped at 6 tauira per class.

Reporting to one of our regional managers, you’ll work closely with Ara Poutama/ Department of Corrections’ staff who will provide you with training, advice, and support.

Contract Casual Basis. Location Waikeria. Hourly Rate $31.90 - $38.44 plus 8% holiday pay. Hours As required. Days As required. In this role, you will be responsible for providing last-minute cover when a team member is unable to work due to illness or other reasons. This may involve receiving a call either in the morning or the previous evening to cover a full day or specific class.

Additionally, you’ll be involved in managing planned leave. Prior to the leave period, you’ll have the opportunity to indicate if you are available for all, part of or none of the time and we will work together to finalise arrangements.

As an inspiring Kaiako, your responsibilities will include teaching tauira who have been assessed at step 1 or 2 on the Literacy and Numeracy for Adult Assessment Tool to develop their capability. Developing learning and lesson plans tailored to the needs of each tauira.

Contributing to the development of teaching resources. Maintaining records of tauira assessment results, attendance, progress, and feedback. Ensuring compliance to regulatory and contractual requirements.

About you, we ‘re looking for someone who has the following a teaching or training background. National Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education (Vocational) - Level 5. Good knowledge of te reo/tikanga Māori ((Level 2 or above), or a willingness to learn. A full NZ driver’s license. Experience with foundation learners an advantage. The ability to pass Police Vetting is essential to ensure access to prison facilities.

If you have teaching or training experience, we can support you to undertake additional study/ training to meet the other role requirements. As a kaupapa Māori organisation, your willingness to participate in cultural activities and develop an understanding of Āhuatanga Māori (values, culture and tikanga) is desirable.

Send CV/Resume/Details here: